
Have a new tricks fun of world!

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

How to hack a protected wifi n/ w??

Required Tools
1. You will need a computer with
a wireless adapter , Backtrack 4
and burn it's image to a CD or
make bootable usb stick...
BACKTRACK is a bootable live cd
with a myriad of wireless and
tcp/ip networking tools.
you can download Backtrack 4
from here
Tools Overview
* Kismet - a wireless network
detector and packet sniffer
* airmon - a tool that can help
you set your wireless adapter
into monitor mode (rfmon)
* airodump - a tool for capturing
packets from a wireless router
(otherwise known as an AP)
* aireplay - a tool for forging ARP
* aircrack - a tool for decrypting
WEP keys
* iwconfig - a tool for configuring
wireless adapters. You can use
this to ensure that your wireless
adapter is in "monitor" mode
which is essential to sending fake
ARP requests to the target router
* macchanger - a tool that allows
you to view and/or spoof (fake)
your MAC address
Glossary of Terms
* AP: Access Point: a wireless
* MAC Address: Media Access
Control address, a unique id
assigned to wireless adapters and
routers. It comes in hexadecimal
format (ie 00:11:ef:22:a3:6a)
* BSSID: Access Point's MAC
* ESSID: Access Point's Broadcast
name. (ie linksys, default, belkin
etc) Some AP's will not broadcast
their name but Kismet may be
able to detect it anyway
* TERMINAL: MS-Dos like command
line interface. You can open this
by clicking the black box icon
next to the start key in backtrack
* WEP: short for Wired
Equivalency Privacy, it is a
security protocol for Wi-Fi
* WPA: short for WiFi Protected
Access. a more secure protocal
than WEP for wireless networks.
NOTE: this tutorial does not cover
cracking WPA encryption
Since Backtrack is a live CD
running off your cdrom, there is
nowhere that you can write files
to unless you have a linux
partition on your hard drive or a
usb storage device. Backtrack has
some NTFS support so you will be
able to browse to your windows
based hard drive should you
have one, but it will mount the
partition as "read-only". I dual
boot windows and ubuntu on my
laptop so I already have a linux
swap partition and a reiserfs
partition. Backtrack had no
problem detecting these and
mounting them for me. To find
your hard drive or usb storage
device, just browse to the /mnt
folder in the file manager.
Typically a hard drive will appear
named something like hda1 or
hda2 if you have more than one
partition on the drive. Alternately
hdb1 could show if you have
more than one hard disk. Having
somewhere to write files that you
can access in case you need to
reboot makes the whole process
a little easier.
 Steps To Be Followed
Monitoring Wireless Traffic With
Place the backtrack CD into your
cd-rom drive and boot into
Backtrack. You may need to
change a setting in your bios to
boot from cd rom. During boot up
you should see a message like
"Hit ctrl+esc to change bios
settings". Changing your first
boot device to cdrom will do the
trick. Once booted into linux, login
as root with username: root
password: toor. These are the
default username and password
used by backtrack. A command
prompt will appear. Type startx to
start KDE (a 'windows' like
workspace for linux).
Once KDE is up and running start
kismet by clicking on the start key
and browsing to Backtrack-
>Wireless Tools -> Analyzers -
>Kismet. Alternatively you can
open a Terminal and type:
Kismet will start running and may
prompt you for your wireless
adapter. Choose the appropriate
adapter, most likely 'ath0', and sit
back as kismet starts detecting
networks in range.
NOTE: We use kismet for two
1. To find the bssid, essid, and
channel number of the AP you are
2. Kismet automatically puts your
wireless adapter into monitor
mode (rfmon). It does this by
creating a VAP (virtual access
point?) or in other words, instead
of only having ath0 as my
wireless card it creates a virtual
wifi0 and puts ath0 into monitor
mode automatically. To find out
your device's name just type:
While kismet detects networks
and various clients accessing
those networks you might want
to type 's' and then 'Q' (case
sensitive). This sorts all of the AP's
in your area by their signal
strength. The default 'autofit'
mode that kismet starts up in
doesn't allow you much
flexibility. By sorting AP's by
signal strength you can scroll
through the list with the arrow
keys and hit enter on any AP you
want more information on. (side
note: when selecting target AP
keep in mind this tutorial only
covers accessing host AP's that
use WEP encryption. In kismet the
flags for encryption are Y/N/0.
Y=WEP N=Open Network- no
encryption 0= other: WPA most
likely.) Further reading on Kismet
is available here.
Select the AP (access point) you
want to access. Copy and paste
the broadcast name(essid), mac
address(bssid), and channel
number of your target AP into a
text editor. Backtrack is KDE based
so you can use kwrite. Just open
a terminal and type in 'kwrite' or
select it from the start button. In
Backtrack's terminal to copy and
paste you use shift+ctrl+c and
shift+control+v respectively.
Leave kismet running to leave
your wireless adapter in monitor
mode. You can also use airmon to
do this manually. airmon-ng -h
for more help with this
Collecting Data With Airodump
Open up a new terminal and start
airodump so we can collect ARP
replies from the target AP.
Airodump is fairly straight
forward for help with this
program you can always type
"airodump-ng -h" at the
command prompt for additional
airodump-ng ath0 -w /mnt/hda2/
home/ryan/belkin_slax_rcu 9 1
Breaking down this command:
* ath0 is my wireless card
* -w tells airodump to write the
file to
* 9 is the channel 9 of my target
* 1 tells airodump to only collect
IVS - the data packets with the
WEP key
Associate your wireless card with
the AP you are accessing.
aireplay-ng -1 0 -e belkin -a
00:11:22:33:44:55 -h
00:fe:22:33:f4:e5 ath0
* -1 at the beginning specifies the
type of attack. In this case we
want fake authentication with AP.
You can view all options by
typing aireplay-ng -h
* 0 specifies the delay between
* -e is the essid tag. belkin is the
essid or broadcast name of my
target AP. Linksys or default are
other common names
* -a is the bssid tag(MAC address).
00:11:22:33:44:55 is the MAC
address of the target AP
* -h is your wireless adapters MAC
addy. You can use macchanger to
view and change your mac
address. macchanger -s ath0
* ath0 at the end is my wireless
adapters device name in linux
Start packet injection with
aireplay-ng -3 -b
00:11:22:33:44:55 -h
00:fe:22:33:f4:e5 ath0
* NOTES: -b requires the MAC
address of the AP we are
* -h is your wireless adapters MAC
addy. You can use macchanger to
view and change your mac
address. macchanger -s ath0
* if packets are being collected at
a slow pace you can
typeiwconfig ath0 rate auto to
adjust your wireless adapter's
transmission rate. You can find
your AP's transmission rate in
kismet by using the arrow keys
up or down to select the AP and
hitting enter. A dialog box will
pop up with additional
information. Common rates are
11M or 54M.
As aireplay runs, ARP packets
count will slowly increase. This
may take a while if there aren't
many ARP requests from other
computers on the network. As it
runs however, the ARP count
should start to increase more
quickly. If ARP count stops
increasing, just open up a new
terminal and re-associate with the
ap via step 3. There is no need to
close the open aireplay terminal
window before doing this. Just
do it simultaneously. You will
probably need somewhere
between 200-500k IV data
packets for aircrack to break the
WEP key.
If you get a message like this:
Notice: got a deauth/disassoc
packet. Is the source MAC
associated ?
Just reassociate with the AP
following the instructions on step
Decrypting the WEP Key with
Find the location of the captured
IVS file you specified in step 2.
Then type in a terminal:
aircrack-ng -s /mnt/hda2/home/
Change /mnt/hda2/home/
belkin_slax_rcu-03.ivs to your
file's location
Once you have enough captured
data packets decrypting the key
will only take a couple of seconds.
For my AP it took me 380k data
packets. If aircrack doesn't find a
key almost immediately, just sit
back and wait for more data
packets. More Simple....
client less attcak..
here are all commands............
airmon-ng stop wlan0
ifconfig wlan0 down
macchanger -m
00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0
airmon-ng start wlan0
airodump-ng wlan0
Pick your target, copy it's BSSID,
press ctrl + C to end airodump.
airodump-ng -c (channel) -w wep
--bssid (paste AP's mac here)
Open a new KONSOLE:
aireplay-ng -1 0 -a (paste AP) -h
00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0
aireplay-ng -5 -b (paste AP) -h
00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0
A packet will pop up, verify that
the MAC is the same MAC of your
Press Y if it is, N if it's not.
packetforge-ng -0 -a (paste AP) -
h 00:11:22:33:44:55 -k -l -y ( the .xor
filename, starts with fragment..) -
aireplay-ng -2 -r ARP wlan0
Press Y.
Will start injecting, data packets
will rise like crazy. When enough
data is obtained..
aircrack-ng wep-01.cap


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